Connecting to MetaMask
If you're new to MetaMask, this guide will teach you all you need to know about establishing a connection to the app with your Lattice and using it in the most secure way possible.
If you're already using MetaMask (most new Lattice owners are), make sure the wallet you have on MetaMask is different from the wallet you have on the Lattice.
MetaMask will import each address you want it to as a standalone account, and each new MetaMask account has to have a unique address. This means that if you have the same wallet on Metamask as you do on the Lattice, MM won't let you import any addresses that already exist as accounts on the extension.
The same goes for other hardware wallet accounts already linked to MetaMask - if you imported your Trezor/Ledger seed to the Lattice, you won't be able to import any addresses from which MetaMask hardware-linked accounts are already created.
Step-By-Step Guide
You can start by clicking on Account 1 at the top of MetaMask and selecting Add hardware wallet. Select the Lattice1 and click on Continue.
Connecting your Lattice to MetaMask does NOT mean importing your Lattice wallet to the extension - it means establishing a MetaMask ↔ Lattice connection that allows you to use MetaMask as a UX interface for your hardware wallet.
All transactions still have to be signed on the Lattice screen, because that's where your seed and private keys remain safely stored. More on this in this article.
The Add account and Import account buttons do NOT interact with your Lattice wallet in any way, instead, they do this:
Create account will create a new account from the next address of the default MetaMask hot wallet (same wallet and seed phrase as Account 1).
Import account lets you create an account from either a single private key or a JSON file backup - accounts created this way can be from a different wallet than the default MetaMask hot wallet, but they will also be hot accounts.
All accounts protected by your Lattice will be marked with the Lattice1 tag in MetaMask.
This will open a new browser tab with the secure GridPlus Lattice Connector module (the domain needs to be The Lattice Connector is an interface you will use to create and log into 3rd party app connections - the process is the same for all apps that have a Lattice integration built into them. You will need to enter your device ID and a password on this page. Your device ID is unique to your device and is used to establish a connection with our servers - you can find it on your Lattice's homescreen as Device ID. Enter any password you like - this can be later reset. Press Connect.
Even though the password can be easily reset, it's better if you type in something you will remember or save it to a password manager, because if you'll want to add new accounts in the future using the same Lattice (more addresses from your Lattice wallet or addresses from a SafeCard wallet), you'll have to go through this process again - and the password needs to be the same if you don't want to re-connect from scratch.
This will take you to the next step - you should see a new screen asking you to enter a secret, which will now be displayed on your Lattice1 screen. Once you type in the secret correctly, your MetaMask app will be paired to your Lattice1. This will also create a new MetaMask permission on your device, and also a 3rd party connection on the Lattice Manager.
On this step, you may possibly encounter two errors:
An error that will pop up directly in MetaMask and will say Failed to get accounts.
The Lattice Connector will just spin endlessly without sending you to the screen you would normally after this step.
To get past these errors, please visit the MetaMask Troubleshooting Guide
You will be taken back to MetaMask to the Select an Account screen. Here you will select all the addresses from your wallet on the Lattice that you want to import to MetaMask. Each address will create a new standalone MetaMask account (the first address will be imported as a Lattice 1 account, the second as Lattice 2 etc.) - these new imported accounts will be linked to your Lattice. All transaction requests initiated from these accounts will also require your approval on the device screen, in addition to clicking Approve on MetaMask.
When should you change the HD path?
You should change the HD path if the wallet you imported on the Lattice1 was originally created on a Ledger device. All other wallets (Trezor wallets, MetaMask wallets etc.) use standard derivation paths.
Ledger Live or Ledger Legacy?
If you bought your Ledger device before July 2018, Legacy. If you bought it after, Live.
If you're unsure whether you'll need more than one account, selecting just the first address is fine - you can always get back to the Select an Account screen by going through the Add hardware wallet module again. When you've selected all the addresses you wish to use, click on Unlock.
On this step, you might encounter an error that won't let you select the address or addresses you want to import - the addresses might be greyed out.
This happens when you already have that particular address imported to MetaMask and there's an existing MetaMask account linked to it as mentioned at the top of this article.
If this account is the default MetaMask hot wallet, you will have to re-install MetaMask from scratch. Make sure to save all addresses that may have been imported from a private key as these are from a different wallet than what you have on the Lattice and you would lose them! When you install MetaMask again and you click on Get Started, make sure to select Create a Wallet - DO NOT import your seed to MetaMask!
If this account was imported from a private key or from another hardware wallet, all you have to do is remove it from MetaMask - click on the three dots and select Remove Account. There's no need to back these up as they are on the Lattice.
And there you go, all set now! You should now see all the addresses you imported as separate accounts in MetaMask - all Lattice accounts should have a "Lattice1" tag next to them, like this:
You can now do everything you're used to doing with MetaMask: sending crypto, swaps, DeFi, minting NFTs, you name it. Everything that has to be signed with your private keys will now have to be approved on the screen of your Lattice1.
Remember that you can have addresses from multiple wallets (different seeds) on the same MetaMask instance! All MetaMask accounts created with addresses from the Lattice will have the Lattice1 tag.
To connect more addresses (either from the same wallet on the Lattice or from a different wallet on a SafeCard), just go through this process again. If you're importing more addresses from a SafeCard, the card has to be inserted and unlocked.
What now?
After you've successfully connected your Lattice to MetaMask, be sure to check out our Advanced MetaMask Setup guide where we've hand-picked the best features MetaMask has to offer - even though it has advanced in the name, it still covers things that are fairly basic, but it's always good to know them!
Last updated