Creating Custom Address Tags

Address tags are a neat accessory to the automatic contract ABI definitions as they allow your Lattice1 to display a custom name on the screen for any address - this address can be anything from your second wallet to a smart contract address and when you're signing a transaction, you will see the custom name under the [Contract] parameter on your Lattice screen.

Let's have a look at how this works in practice - let's say you want to transfer Dai to a friend's address. Compare the two screenshots below.

You can see a set of parameters about the transaction request - this is the result of the auto ABI functions loading as normally the transaction payload is just a long hex string.

  • On the left, you can clearly see the smart contract address being called - in the standard 0x ETH address format. You can also see the recipient's address on the bottom (under [dst]).

  • On the right, both the contract address and your friend's address are now displayed with a custom address tag which makes confirming if you're interacting with or sending to the correct address very easy.

Using the Lattice1 with ABI function definitions and address tags really unlocks the full potential of the device and when you set them up, you get unrivaled security. It's practically impossible to send your funds to a malicious contract by mistake when you set them up. So, let's do that now.

Creating and Deleting Address Tags

In the Lattice Manager, navigate to the menu on the left and select Address Tags. In this section, you can see the list of all saved address tags - both the contract address and the display name. Yours will be empty, but it's very easy to get started.

1. First, click on Add.

2. You can now paste the address you want to create a tag for and then type in the display name - we highly recommend you use Etherscan for exploring contracts - make sure to get the right ones!

3. When you click on Add, you will have to confirm the new tag on your Lattice screen (because the tags are saved on the device).

4. And you're done!

5. In case you want to delete any tags, just select the ones you want to get rid of and click on Remove Selected.

Exporting and Importing Address Tags

You don't have to create the address tags one by one, you can also import them from a .csv file. In order to do this your .csv file will need to have this format:

As address tags are deleted when you reset the system, it's always good to keep a backup file and import all the tags into the device again after the reset in one action.

Just select the tags you want to export and click on export. If you then want to import the tags, click on import, select the file and the tags will be copied to your Lattice.

Last updated